Life of Kika Collage

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oh I Miss Willam's Beatdown: The Shade Of It All

There used to be this webisode on a YouTube channel called The Stylish featuring the infamous contestant of Ru Paul's Drag Race Season 4, Willam Belli. Basically Willam used to breakdown and criticize Youtube videos that range from being vastly popular to unknown. Some of the Youtube videos featured popular make up artists like Michelle Phan, Gregory Gorgeous, Grav3yardgirl, JuicyStar07, and MacBarbie07.  These people have gained a lot of popularity through doing simple makeup tutorials that are not as well done or as innovative as maybe a real makeup artists would do. I believe the point of the show is to basically throw shade at the rookie make up artists who have received more recognition than seasoned professionals. And Willam Belli has a sharp tongue and makes deceiving comments about these youtubers. In the end, he is hilarious and he points out that most of those people don't have real jobs and they are getting away with putting useless videos on the internet. Willam says what we think out loud. And after 19 webisodes, the show had been cancelled. Willam still continues to promote himself as a web personality on his own You Tube channel with his music videos and own tutorials. To be honest, his videos are far more interesting than some of these kids who find nothing better to do with themselves. 

Whenever I am feeling down, I go on Youtube and watch his videos because he complains more than anyone I know and makes people look worse than himself. It's like bullying except your'e the innocent bystander. 

Check out some of Willam's videos:

He's my Best Friend in my head. I love you, Willam!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Update on my new editorial

I'm starting to building my fashion brand little by little. I may not have the skills because I am young, but I see myself as a real designer in the future. And this little number was made by me in high school and I believe you should be proud of the work youv'e done for yourself. I am absolutely proud of far I have grown and matured as a designer. I hope you guys can follow my journey.

Thank You Guys for reading my Blog!

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Posing says a lot about photos: Don't think that people are perfect, it's all about the angles.

There is a photographer by the name of Gracie Hagen who took shots of fairly decent looking people posing both in attractive angles and unappealing poses. The point of the photos were not to suggestively compare and contrast, but to point out that people in general have similar bodies to the people portrayed in the photos. In society, we are constantly looking up to these fashion models who are experts at posing and looking slimmer. Even when we take photos of ourselves, we do our best to look skinnier and prettier and well rested. I myself am guilty of snapping a good few photos for a decent selfie. I may cover certain things just to be discreet, but my friends and family know my body type. And when I am alone at home, I pose awkwardly in front of the mirror to see how far my stomach expands and how flat my butt goes when I squeeze it in. The body is absolutely beautiful. 

Only people who have seen me naked know my natural beauty. And to be honest there is nothing wrong about naked skin. I mean, I had to take Life Drawing Classes in college and I have seen all types of bodies. And I was never bothered by the rolls, cellulite and scars. It was more interesting to draw and my pictures had more personality to them. 

I love seeing these people posing fiercely and posing like no one is looking around.

Let's have a look at these raw photos:

Check out more of her work at :

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Etiquette Lessons from Hyacinth Bucket (From Keeping Up Appearances)

The holidays are near and it's that time of year where you have uncomfortable dinners with your foreign family members. And it is important to leave a good impression on them because one slip of the tongue from drinking too much egg nogg (Laced with only the finest booze) and they will talk shit about you for the rest of the year. Hyacinth Bucket or the Lady Bouquet herself epitomizes class and grace. It's important to let people know that in end that you are better than every one in the family.
Here are a few tips to behave around those judgmental cousins of yours....
Clean up your house. You don't want to find and critters crawling around your kitchen counters near the uncooked ham or turkey. The cleaner you are, the less your family members can complain about your living space.

Try not to be awkward when hosting your party. Just breath and try not to walk like you're holding in a deadly fart. Before your guests arrive, sip on some booze to relax and use the bathroom to get all the awkward urges out of you.

Make sure that you are wearing something that is fairly comfortable. Nothing is worse than wearing that weird holiday sweater that is too tight after eating 5 plates of Christmas pie.

If you live in a small space, try to give your guests as much room as possible. No more awkward bump sessions with your creepy uncle.
And last thing, if you are going to fake being classy go all the way through. Don't start to get really drunk in the middle of the party and start revealing all the messed up stories about certain family members. Just p[pretend to be the best version of yourself and all will go well. In the end, they might give you money and say that you were a lovely host.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Dream Wardrobe from Pinterest: I have taste, but not the budget.

For some reason, whenever I go on Pinterest, my wallet sheds a few tears because I find some of the most fabulous clothes that are too expensive to pay off. Luckily, these clothes and accessories  are visually stunning and I get off by just looking at them. When I'm older and I make real money, I promise to buy myself similar clothing to this. Let's just hope the few years coming by are right around the corner...